Monday, September 11, 2006

Here We Are

The Summer, though not officially over with, is done. And since that last sentence was so riddled with irony I'll post something straight forward.

Here's a list of things that has kept me busy and entertained this summer.


Fear and Trembling, Soren Kierkegaard
Finally Comes the Poet, Walter Brueggemann
Crossing to Safety, Wallace Stegner
Angle of Repose, Wallace Stegner
Marking the Sparrows Fall, Wallace Stegner
Standing By Words, Wendall Berry
The Heart of Matter, Graham Greene


ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! (dirty but delightful)
Tsotsi (South African film, WATCH IT)


Anything by Sufjan Stevens
Derek Webb's, Mockingbird

So... keep checking out Quest. There'll be more in the upcoming weeks.

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