Monday, May 08, 2006

Besides Eat This Book I'm Reading

On top of Eugene Peterson's Eat This Book, which I am reading with the other contributor to this blog, I am reading Brian Mclaren's new book The Secret Message of Jesus. W Publishing was kind enough to give me two free copies of the book, along with 20 chapter samplers (which will hopefully be used to help with a word of mouth campaign). I am almost done with the book and from what I've read I'd say that it is a good introduction to voices like N.T. Wright and Dallas Willard. If you haven't read them check it out, if you have then you might find yourself reading a popularized version of their work. However the real treasure of the book is Mclaren's "lack of salesmanship" as Donald Miller says on the back. For the non-Christian bent out of shape because of our current political situation, or for other various reasons, this is a great and fresh intro to the subversive message of the Bible. I pray it appetizes their heart.

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